On April 2-3, Carlotta and I will be back in New Hampshire to facilitate a Lead Like a Woman Retreat in partnership with the University of New Hampshire.  It is a wonderful event, bringing together women across public and private sector roles to discuss the challenges and opportunities that come #leadingwhilefemale.  

Today, Carlotta and I met to talk through the session and determine what we might want to update or shift.  As coaches and researchers, we have a dual experience in our interactions and readings.  There is what we see and hear on the surface, and then our additional perception about what this might mean from the lens of a woman.  We ask questions about potential double standards, unconscious biases that may be influencing outcomes, or other environmental or cultural influences.

We are going through our articles and research over the last few months to bring some of that content into our April session.  We believe strongly in making each session relevant, not just by bringing in the experiences of our participants, but also culturally significant and timely events that may resonate with them.  

Only one month to go until NH and looking forward to meeting a new group of women, sharing experiences, and the bi-directional growth that always comes from a retreat.